Air Conditioning Installation near Brisbane

Not all air conditioning installation specialists are equal in their services. Because of this, it is important to browse the many different specialists in air conditioning installation in Brisbane to see which company is going to give you the best installation possible. You want to make sure to find a qualified air conditioning installation specialist that is knowledgeable in HVAC and is not just a handy-man that has a toolbox and some general understanding of HVAC systems.

Setting Up an Appointment

When initially looking for an HVAC specialist that can properly install your air conditioning, you will need to do some initial vetting. A great way to start this search is to ask anyone you know that has had similar work done. A personal recommendation is always preferred. If you don’t happen to know anyone with this kind of information, reviews online are often pretty reliable. Use rating websites to see some of the top rated HVAC specialists and make a small list of the ones that seem well suited for your project.

It is also imperative that you check to make sure that the contractor is licensed. A good HVAC specialist should put their licencing information in an easy to access place on their website. If for some reason they do not, contact them and make sure that they can send you this information. Never trust someone to work on something like your air conditioning without proper licencing and paperwork, confirming that they have the ability to safely and professionally work on the equipment.

After you have a list of top choices and have checked their licences, you will want to set up an appointment. Describe your needs to the air conditioner installer, and see what suggestions they have. This is an important step, as a good HVAC contractor won’t give you a quote or bid over the phone. Any quality professional will insist that they need to see the environment and setup in person before making an estimate and providing a solution.

How to Evaluate the Air Conditioner Installer

Now that you have a licensed professional coming to evaluate your situation, there are a few things you can do to help confirm that they are a good pick.

  • An air conditioning unit will last about 10 or 15 years. Make sure that their suggestion lines up with your goals. It is also important to note that newer air conditioners are often more efficient.
  • The air conditioning unit should be about a foot away from your home for good airflow, it should be level, and it should have a pad underneath it made of concrete or similar hard material.
  • There should absolutely be an electrical disconnect, and it needs to be close to the unit (3 feet away or less). This is imperative to safety for not only future repairs but also for emergencies.
  • A high-quality HVAC specialist will ask you about any current cooling problems you have, or any recent repairs done on your air conditioning. They also will not use your current air conditioning unit’s size to pick your next unit, they should decide this based on their own evaluation of your home’s needs.

Once they are done evaluating, the HVAC contractor should give you a written estimate. You always want your contract in writing, not only as a verbal agreement. From here, you should be able to be confident in your contractor’s skills. If you are not, it may be time to call another professional for an evaluation to compare their suggestions.